Dearly Beloved,
Welcome to 2024! It’s our year of Mercy & Prosperity and we are excited about what God has in store.
Brethren, I want to rejoice that we have all seen this new year as a family. For the year 2024, the Lord has spoken. Amos 3:7 says surely, the Lord God does nothing without first revealing his plan…
The new year will be filled with Mercy & Prosperity. This year, the Lord will be our portion and will make us a terror to the kingdom of darkness. (Lam 3:22-24)
Furthermore it is the leading of the Holy Spirit that we should prioritise the following in 2024:
1) Dwelling in Righteousness
2) Constantly living in Praise and worship of our God
3) Giving ourselves to Fervent Prayers
4) Living in Oneness